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(c) 2000-2009

mode zero



ADA Depot

AES On-line Electronic Library

Ampage forums & info

Analog Guitar and Bass Effect DIY

Analogue-Heaven and Synth-DIY mailing list archives

Analog Industries gear blog

Analog Maintenance and Upgrade Considerations

Analog Man

Analog vocoders page

Aron Nelson's Stompbox Forum

BBD info

Bergfotron VC phaser

Bizarre Effects


Buchla 297 Infinite Phase Shifter

Capacitor Reference Guide

Designing with Opamps schematics archive

Don Tillman's Electronic Music Articles

Electronic Musical Instruments Museum


Elliott Sound Products articles on audio electronics

Experimentalists Anonymous DIY Archives

Frequency shifter DIY

Gearslutz forums

Gentle Electric

Guitar Effects Oriented web page

Grant Richter's synth-DIY page

Harald Bode paper on infinite phasers (pdf)

Harmony Central fx review database

Harmony Central fx tutorial

Harmony Central list of fx manufacturers

HarpAmps schematics archive

Harry Bissell's BBD Hell (Panasonic BBD Databook)

HomeMadeSynth phaser page

Howard Davis (Electro-Harmonix designer, EH repairs)

Ibanez AD3000 page

Ibanez vintage pedals

Jim Patchell's Synth DIY pages

Juergen Haible home page (Dimension D clone, Storm Tide flanger, etc)

Keyboard Museum archives

Korg vintage effects

Locobox effects pedals and racks (also Coron, Guyatone "Box" series, etc)

MAM info and manuals

MAM RS-3 review and info at midiwall

Mark Hammer's pages on Ampage (schematics, datasheets, info)

Mark Glinsky's Manual Manor

Matrixsynth gear blog

Maxon Gear FAQ

Melmusic vintage pages

Mike Beigel's Musitronics / Mu-Tron site

Morley vintage pedals (manuals)

Music Electronics uArchive

Music Thing gear blog

Mu-Tron Bi-Phase clone

Mu-Tron Bi-Phase schematics

Notes on Audio Op-Amps

Old Crow's tips on repairing vintage music electronics

Osamu Hoshuyama's DIY synth circuits

Pearl effects pedals

Perkin Elmer Vactrols introduction (pdf)

Perkin Elmer Vactrols databook (pdf)

Perkin Elmer Vactrols (Allied Electronics)

Prodigy Professional DIY forums

Ray Wilson's Synth DIY pages

Rene Schmitz' Synth DIY pages

Roland 1979 price list at Synthfool

Roland downloadable product manuals

Roland service notes at Synthfool

Roland timeline at the Keyboard Museum

RonSound schematics and repairs

Scott Stites DIY Dimension C adaptation

Scott Stites DIY Vactrol phase shifter

Small Bear Electronics (parts for DIY music electronics)

Sound On Sound tc1210 review

SPH-323 page at the Keyboard Museum datasheet archive & other info

Synth DIY parts subsitution guide

Synthfool (Kevin Lightner) schematics, service, and owners manuals

Tape Op message board

The Technology of Phase Shifters and Flangers (article by R.G. Keen)

The Technology of the Univibe (article by R.G. Keen)

Tony Clark's E-Music DIY Archive

Treasures of Equipment

The Univox Page

Visual Sound MN3207 BBD reissue

Yamaha downloadable product manuals


Recommended books:

  Stompbox (Art Thompson) ISBN 0879304790

  Analog Man's Guide to Vintage Effects (Tom Hughes) ISBN 0-9759209-0-1

  Boss Book (edited by Hal Leonard) ISBN 063404480X

  The Stompbox Cookbook (Nicholas Boscorelli) ISBN 0966382412, out of print